The esports industry employs more than 3.4 million people, with about half working in coaching, training, and broadcasting jobs. There are plenty of opportunities for people who love esports to work in the industry, whether in front of the camera, behind it, or on the field itself. 

This list will look at some of the best careers in esports from different perspectives—from the coaches who lead their teams to victory to the team owners who ensure those esports players have high-quality equipment.

Here are 9 of the best careers in esports that can help your dreams come true if you are passionate about esports!

Let us get started!

1. Shoutcaster 

2. Graphic Designer

3. Streamer

4. Video Editor

5. Production Manager

6. Social Media Manager

7. Esports Coach

8. Event coordinator

9. Esports photographer

1. Shoutcaster

A Shoutcaster is a person who provides play-by-play commentary for an event. It can be an amateur or professional commentator, as long as he or he has the required skill and experience. There are various career paths that you could take with this position, including being an announcer at major esporting events.

You need to have the excellent public speaking skill and know the rules of your specific sport very well. Shoutcaster is not just someone who talks about esports on TV or streams but also provides live commentary for listeners. 

2. Graphic Designer

A graphic designer is a person who designs visual images, usually two-dimensional images. The demand for graphic designers in the esports industry is incredibly high. Graphic designers use typography, illustration, and other visuals to communicate ideas. 

There are many graphic designs, such as advertising, interface, and web design. The demand for graphic designers has increased due to the popularity of esports websites, blogs, and social media channels of different clans, the thumbnail for videos, and other types of esports graphics.

3. Streamer

Esports is a booming industry that has the potential to bring competitive gaming to a new level. If you’re interested in becoming an eeports streamer, you’ll need some technical knowledge about games and excellent video production skills. All you need for streaming is a computer and some software like OBS or XSplit.

You can even monetize your channel with third-party services like YouTube Gaming or Twitch by using built-in features that allow you to earn ad revenue from your videos.

4. Video Editor 

If you have a deep knowledge of video games, know how to tell a story, and possess the technical skills to edit videos, you may have what it takes to be an esports video editor. Video editing is just one skill this career requires, but it is one of the most important. 

The esports video editor’s job is to tell the stories of the people playing the games and produce footage that captures the action from various angles so that viewers can get fully immersed in the gameplay.

5. Production Manager

An esports production manager manages the day-to-day operations of the live streaming, casting, and broadcasting of esports tournaments. You are also responsible for setting up the broadcast area, running graphics on both sides of the screen, and delivering video feeds to various outlets.

Excellent communication skills, negotiation skills, and leadership skills are qualities you should have if you want to become an esports production manager. You must be able to work under pressure and manage deadlines. You must be good in time management to become a production manager.

6. Social Media Manager

Sports media is a massive part of esports, and the social media manager is vital to the marketing puzzle. One career that meets all those requirements is a esports social media manager. 

These professionals work closely with teams, leagues, and various sponsors to create an engaging content strategy for their clients by sourcing high-quality imagery, creative graphics, and videos on social channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat. 

The best thing is that if you have an eye for creativity and are passionate about esports, this career could be perfect!

7. Esports Coach

Esports Coach is a new career path that has been made possible due to the rise of esports. Coaches are needed to help develop strategies, train players, and analyze matches. 

They may also need to be able to play the game themselves so they can better understand what their team needs. Becoming an esports coach can be a great option for people looking for a flexible work schedule or avoiding long commutes.

8. Event Coordinator

If you love video games but don’t have the skills to become a player, you can still find a career working behind the scenes. An esports event coordinator coordinates everything from marketing and sponsorship to tournament planning and logistics. 

That includes booking flights and hotels for team members or event attendees. And if your organization is hosting a big tournament, that means making sure teams have all the equipment they need for each day of competition.

9. Esports photographer

The best career in esports is esports photography. These individuals are responsible for documenting the game and providing images of the action to media, fans, and other stakeholders. They take pictures during tournaments and leagues. They can also be found at press conferences, conventions, and award ceremonies. 

All this photography work can be done on-site at esports leagues. Working as a professional photographer is a challenging but rewarding job that takes dedication and skillful creativity to do well.

If you know some other esports careers or related tips, share them with us via

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